Eriko (last name unknown)

     Date and place of birth is unknown   Hair color: (Normal) Black (Vampire) Dark blue (Fox) Orange     Eye color: (Normal) Blue (Vampire) Red (Fox) Blue     Details on this Character: Very energetic and hyper, has a kind and carefree additude. When needed, can be serious and straight forward.Is a half-Vampire and half-Fox Youki(Turns into a fox on the full moon and a vampire on the new moon) Her current age is unknown, even to herself and is classified to be 14 years. On a night of a lunar eclipse, turns into a Vampire with Fox ears and tail(Kitsune Vampiress), but is in control of herself and can use illusionary magic. When she ever she finds herself in a life-threating situation, she turns into the Kitsune Vampiress, but can not control her bloodlust.(turns back into a human when the sun appers at dawn)

Chigusa Satou

Date of birth: April 24 (year is unknown)     Place of birth: England     Eye color: Green     Hair color: Blond with a light brown edge     Details on this Character: Hot-tempered and quick to judge, she can be kind but when it comes to danger, she is very protective of her friends and will do anything to make sure thay getaway safe and unharmed.She is an 11 year old high schooler attending 9th grade and is short for her age.She, for some reason, is very tense around boys and runs away at the slightest sign of them. She is very good with her hands and enjoys sparring. (Which often involves her destroying her surroundings and getting lectured by Naomi [next character] and having to repair the things broken)

Naomi Koyanagi

     Date of birth: March 26 1971      Place of birth: Japan     Hair color: Brown     Eye color: Gold-Brown     Details on this Character: A somewhat quiet personality.Enjoys reading and is usually very serious. It is unlikely for her to start a conversation with someone, but will talk to anyone if they approch her.She has a old sense of taste and studys kendo. She has a weakness for sweets and is violent towards boys. She is in the same grade and class as Eriko and Chigusa dispite her being 15.( due to her late start in school) She has a GPA of 4.0 and in her spare time, does nothing but practice kendo.

Ryouichi (Ryou) Kobayashi

     Date of birth: January 1 1969     Place of birth: Unknown     Hair color: (Normal) Navy blue (Angel) Silver     Eye color: (Normal) Gray (Angel) Blue      Details on this Character: A kind and well-mannered man. He is 17 years of age with a GPA of 4.4. He is an angel with one black tipped wing, said to be a bad omen amoung angels, he was exiled from the heavens and forced to live on earth. Even though he is very well-mannered he still has those thoughts and sometimes finds himself being cased by Naomi (with a sword in her hand) and Chisuga. He too, likes to spar and is the only male character that Chigusa isn't afraid of.